About Far Out Metaphysical

I started off making jewelry, salves and natural body care in 2018 under the name Hippie Me Happy You, and I absolutely fell in love with vending at markets. I rebranded my shop in 2020 to Far Out Metaphysical, because I wanted to connect my hippie lifestyle with my witchy practice and choose a name and logo that suited me better.

My shop was inspired by a love of psychedelic artwork, 60s and 70s music, retro flower designs and the message of the hippie counterculture of peace, love, diversity and natural living.

As my shop has grown, I’ve included ethically-sourced oddity art and gothic elements to my shop as well because I always wanted my shop to be for people like me that don’t fit into one group or subculture. My shop is for anyone that enjoys the vibes. That’s why I don’t just vend at one kind of event. I set up at hippie festivals, punk flea markets, goth events, drag shows, pagan rituals and whatever calls to me.

I recently moved to Memphis from East TN, and so I’ve had to start over in finding my footing as a small business in a new place, but I’m excited to see where this will take me.

I’m so thankful for those that like and support my shop and my artwork.

Lots of love to you all,
Haley 💕

Far Out Metaphysical's Mission

Anything in my shop that is not lovingly handcrafted myself is always sourced from other small businesses and artists to help support my community.

Orders are packaged as sustainably as possible using reused materials I collect to reduce waste for Mama Earth.

I love to give new life to creatures through bones I find ethically. No animals are ever harmed for any items in my shop.

And most importantly, this shop believes in liberation and equality for all. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇵🇸

Some of my favorite creations